Aku kena tag oleh wan sajidah...
Dengan terpaksa aku jawap walaupun aku sekarang separuh sedar....
Aku makin serabut belbagai menda yang bermain di pikiran ni.....
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog
Name: Mohd Al Hafiz bin Nordin
Sisters: Norhayar dan Norzita(2-2 dah kahwin)sorang duk pd sorang lagi duk penang
Brothers: Hasnan(duk kg, harapan keluarga)
Shoe size: 8/9
Height: 172cm (xleh jd model eh rendah, hahahhahaa)
Where do you live: Kelantan/ kerja kat Batu Pahat
Favourite drinks: Aku semua minum kecuali minuman yang ada susu sebab perut aku elegik susu
Favourite breakfast: Nasi Kerabu(kalau duk kg eh)
Have you ever been on a plane: x pernah…InsyaAllah kalau ada rezeki
Swam in the ocean: kalau ada peluang aku nak sesangat, dah lama xtujukkan bakat berenang ni.Nak buktikan aku org kg.
Fallen asleep in school: Selalu eh...
Broken someone's heart: Ada, aku dah menyesal daaa..xbuat lagi..
Fell off your chair: xder
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Ada, malu eh nak citer..
Saved e-mails: ada…
What is your room like: Yang cukup lengkap
What's right beside you: SOFA
What is the last thing you ate: Nasi kerabu/Nasi Dagang
Ever had Chicken pox: Dah kena masa kecil, kenangan aku dengan atok aku zaman dulu berubat ludah2 ajer....Atok aku tok bomoh beb...jangan xcaya...cepat ajer sembuh...xder parut pun..
Sore throat: pernah…..
Stitches: hurm...
Do you believe in love at first sight: yap..
Like picnics: Kalau boleh sebulan sekali aku nak picnic
Who was the last person you danced with: Aku xsuka bab menari ni....
Last made you smile: bila jupa kekawan...
You last yelled: xpernah kut...
Talk to someone you like: Semua org yang menyenangkan hati aku..
Kissed anyone: Ada, anak saudara aku
Get sick: Selalu pening kepala aje ni
Talked to an ex: Baru 2 minggu lepas....jangan salah paham....kita kawan biasa dah skrg..
Miss someone: Semua org yang pernah lekat dlm hati aku ni...
Eat: Tu semestinya kena makan..
Best feeling in the world: Ah ha, ada lah..
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: xder eh...
What's under your bed: Xder...pelik eh soalannya...
Who do you really hate : Setakat ni xder eh....aku ok ajer dgn semua org...layannnnn
now: 11.00AM
Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now: Keluarga aku kat kg(rindunyaa)
Q: Do you have any siblings: Ada....
Q: Do you want children: Mmg nak kan...Anak angkat pun dah ada...
Q: Do you smile often: Senyum Sokmo
Q: Do you like your hand-writing: Mesti...Tulisan kreatif..lawa...
Q: Are your toenails painted: nope
Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: semua katil yg ada dlm umah nie.. :))Q: What colour shirt are you wearing: Biru
Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday: Tunggu nak solat magrib ajer....
Q: I can't wait till: hurmmmmmm???????
Q: When did you cry last: Masa mak saudara aku meninggal.....xtahan org aku sayang...
Q: Are you a friendly person: Ah ha....
Q: Do you have any pets: No…
Q: Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: Ntah ler...
Q: Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: I think soooo
Q: Have you ever crawled through a window?: x pernah
Q: Are you too forgiving?: Semestinya eh...
Q: Are you closer to your mother or father?: of course!!!
Q: Who was the last person you cried in front of : Ayah aku masa mak saudara aku meninggal dan kawan aku(aku xleh org nangis depan aku..terseksanya aku...)
Q: How many people can you say you've really loved?: x terkira…
Q: Do you eat healthy?: tgk keadaaan eh..
Q: Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: Mesti eh...hahahhhah
Q: Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: xder eh.....
Q: How often do you go to church?: Glo...aku islam wak aper g sana...Astaga
Q: If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: Balik umah kat kg..layan mak atau atok aku bercakap..hahahahah
Q: Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: Tgk Keadaan juga eh..
Q: Are you confident?: Yap...Yakin ajer..
5 things I was doing 10 years ago..
1- Bersama 2 kawan baik...banyak kenangan gi sungai, main permaian kg(bedu n juan)
2- Seronok bersama keluarga kat kampung, leh buka puasa semua adik beradik, skrg dah ssh..
3- Bersama kawan baik aku masa dulu...(isma)
4- Bersama Atok aku eh....duk umah dia
5- Leh jd bdk kecil kan best...xder masalah..
5 things on my to-do list today
1- Masuk kerja
2- Buat kerja mana yang perlu buat.
3- Update blog
4- Isi borang kahwain
5- Kemas bilik
5 snacks I enjoy
1- MC D French fries!!!!
2- Kfc
3- Beli ajer yg kuar iklan kat tv
4- Menda yang baru
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1- Aku buka bisnes sendiri
2- bg kat adik beradik suh buat aper yang leh menghasilkan keuntungan
3- Doakan aku leh tunai kan Haji dengan sempurna bw smua saudara mara.
4- Bagi gempak skit umah aku tu....
5- Beli tanah banyak banyak buat umah sewa kat org....pakdin kayoo
5 of my bad habits
1- Cepat buat keputusan
2- tidur
3- Main komputer( internet)
4- Suka jalan
5- Suka makanan ringan/segera yang mengarut2...
5 jobs I've had
1- Jaga Makmal
2- Jaga kewangan
3- Jaga pembelian
4- Jaga komputer
5- mcm2 eh
BALIK.... *
7 years ago
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